Friday, May 1, 2015


José Mario Nieto 

In this fifth Sunday of Easter, Jesus introduces another image for God the Father; He is the vine grower.

Vine growing in the time of Jesus was somehow different from what we experience today. Nowadays there is much machinery, specialists in agriculture, and tools that help the vine growers to plant, prune, fertilize, and harvest the vines in the safest way possible.

Back in Jesus’ time this task was more rudimentary and needed more effort and diligent care to ensure a good crop. Plantations were owned by families and people personally took care of their plantation. Pruning as we understand it today was completely unknown for the people of that time. The vine growers only trimmed right after the flowering, and that was all.  The real work started at the time of vintage. But this was the most fun part for the vine grower.  The weather was fair and warm, people went to the fields, gathered together armed with little hooked knifes. They cut the full bunches with extreme precaution so they did not harm the whole vine, and they sang and laughed as they did so.

This image of our Father as a vine grower in Jesus’ time fills me with much emotion. The image that Jesus describes evokes a caring God, who delights with our growth. And when the harvest time comes, he fills with joy and collects
all the fruits we are capable of producing, thanks to his Son Jesus.

This is just a reminder of how much delight God takes in us, how much love he has for us, and how precious we are in his eyes.

I hope this analogy of the vine grower helps us to understand how much God values us. We must always remember that he is the one who makes us grow so that we can produce fruit.  The fruit that he is always waiting for us to produce is love.  Let us then remain in Jesus, who feeds us with his body, the most powerful sign of love we have received. 

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