Tuesday, May 19, 2015


“He who moves his body moves his heart; he who moves his heart, moves his emotions; he who is capable of becoming excited and is capable of exciting has found the key to the mystery-miracle of education,” (Carlos Pons, teacher and actor).

Following these beautiful words of Carlos Pons, the educators at Centro Comunitario de Desarrollo Infantil San José (St. Joseph Community Center for Child Development) in El Ajusco (México), played a dramatic and theatrical game with the children during the first trimester of the year, reenacting situations actually lived by these children. For example, a conflict on the playground or in the classroom would be portrayed by the children themselves.

The goal was to help the children understand their feelings and be able to name them. In this way, little by little, they learn to relate with one another and with the outside world in a more satisfactory and positive way.

To play a role produces changes in attitudes and conduct, promoting better comprehension toward the people who surround them.  In this way, they are being how to overcome obstacles in order to be happier in life.

Some of the students yelled enthusiastically, “We are actors!”

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