Friday, October 24, 2014


The long-lasting relationship of the Archdiocese of Milwaukee with La Sagrada Familia Parish has grown into something very special for me and for my parish. Two years ago the people of La Sagrada Familia welcomed a small group from Holy Apostles Parish (New Berlin, Milwaukee) into their lives. It couldn’t have been more appropriate for that visit to have been during Pentecost as I’ve never felt the Holy Spirit more than when I was there. I fell in love with the people and their spirit has never left me.

Although life and living conditions are different than mine, I’ve never felt so at home and so I returned a second time.

I have a clouded memory of the many challenges the people there face because at the forefront of my memory is the people’s spirit. To name a few of the challenges, inadequate housing, education, healthcare, child care, jobs, food and water. I don’t intend to skip over or to minimize the challenges of life there, but I hesitate to expand on details. Please know and be aware that the challenges are real and many. Basic human dignities are lacking and much help is needed. When I reflect on my time there, however, I dwell on the hope and faith of how the people deal with the challenges, not on the challenges themselves.

I have been witness to how essential the presence of the parish and the members of the Community of Saint Paul is for the community. The challenges of life and living conditions are managed in large part through them.  The parish provides much more than daily liturgy, it lives the liturgy daily. The parish facilitates and supports programs that aid in better life and living conditions for all of its people. It provides in all social facets of daily living: housing, education, healthcare, childcare, jobs, food and water. Despite the people being so full of spirit, it’s the parish that tangibly offers a profusion of that spirited hope for the future that would otherwise not be present.

I have been witness to people who have very little possessions but are hugely rich in faith. I have been moved personally by people with such faith and love and so have been moved to share what I’ve seen and what I’ve felt. Spreading awareness of the social needs is necessary, but an awareness of the loving spirit that comes from our sister parish is integral in sustaining our future relationship. We must acknowledge that we nurture the needs of one another. I share my hope that the friendship between La Sagrada Familia and the Archdiocese of Milwaukee can continue to blossom. Both are blessed to walk together on this journey to improve our faith in life and living conditions for generations to come.

Please keep the people of La Sagrada Familia in your thoughts and prayers as they do the same for us.

Jill Consolazione

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