Sunday, October 12, 2014



A marriage feast is another image Jesus uses to talk about the Kingdom of God. A feast where God will provide for all peoples rich food and choices of wine! That sounds good like a nice party! The Hebrews, like other peoples of the ancient Near East, were enormously fond of social feasting. Nevertheless the parable that we read in today’s Gospel (Mt 22,1-14) contains one of the most enigmatic passages on the Gospel: the guest without the wedding garment? How can we interpret this passage, which left us somehow with a bittersweet flavor? Some answer may be found if we take a look at the historical context of the parable.

A marriage feast included wine drinking, as we see in the story of Cana. And if the banquet was large a second invitation was usually sent on the day of the feast, and also a servant escorted the invitees to the feast. The host welcomed the guests with a kiss, and their feet were washed because of the dusty roads (remember the story of Jesus and the woman that washes his feet in the house of the Pharisee that invited him for a banquet?). Following this, the guest’s head was anointed, as well as sometimes his beard, his feet and his clothing. The people invited were seated according to their respective rank and their hands were washed. But the most relevant event for us now is that when someone was invited to a marriage feast and banquet, the host of the feast provided robes and garments for the guests, which were worn in his honor and as a token of his regard. Here we have the problem! This guest didn’t want to use the garment that the host gave him to wear!

I believe we do that sometimes. When God invited us to his feast of life, he gave us a garment; the garment that God’s children must use, a garment made out of love and mercy. How often do we use that garment? Do we use it at all? If we have answered a yes to his invitation, it would be nice if we use the garment he gave us to wear in honor of Him, who is all love and all mercy!

José Mario Nieto

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