y Sueños from Casa San José, Cochabamba (Bolivia)
Daniel, Rodrigo, Abraham, Juan Alberto,
Luís, Pedro and Juan Daniel are the boys who created and star in Travesías y Sueños (Crossroads and
Dreams), the new book that Casa San José introduces to you today. This is
the third book that Casa San José has published. The authors and illustrators of the several
short stories in these colorful works are the children themselves.
The protagonists are represented
by an animal, vegetable or imaginary character and each one of the stories is
set in a different world, full of roads to be traveled, encounters,
disagreements, illusions, characters,
adventures, crossroads, dreams…
y Sueños is designed to be adapted as an instructive instrument of
education and reflection for boys, girls, teenagers and families wherein the reader can discover, in each story, that every person is the author of his or her own life. Also, it aims to be an
tool that is used for sharing in the family, in school and with friends. This
is a book that seeks to convey not only the crossroads and adventures of the
children of Casa San José, but also reveals to us the dreams and aspirations of
each one of them.
Casa San José, located in Cochabamba (Bolivia),
houses street children, ages 5 to 14, who have cut ties with their family for
one reason or another but have only been living in the street for a short time.
The objective of Casa San José is to welcome these children into a safe place
to prevent that they get trapped in criminal and other networks that abuse
children. Quick action is therefore required before the children's situation
becomes irreversible. At Casa San José children have a space to play, learn and
talk with educators; and representatives of the Casa take care of locating the
child's family, study each case's situation and organize the children's return
to the family or, when this is not possible, transfer them to a permanent
educational center.
During 2013, 60 children and teenagers
were assisted: 40 were reintegrated with their families, eight were transferred
to other institutions and six left before completing the process.]
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