Monday, January 19, 2015


There were several exciting activities that took place at Casa San José at the end of 2014, and we would like to share some of them with you.   Casa San José is the Community of St. Paul's refuge for street children in Cochabamba, Bolivia.   

On the morning of November 25 last year, Msgr. Tito Solari, Archbishop of Cochabamba, visited Casa San José, joined by his sister and Father Alfredo Rizzi. It was a very special day since it was Archbishop Solari, deeply sensitive to the suffering of the many children who were living in the streets, who fourteen years ago asked the Community of Saint Paul to start a center to shelter and reintegrate the children. So, quite literally, Archbishop Solari was the inspirational advocate for the very existence of this apostolate.

In a highlight of the visit, the archbishop shared Mass with the children and the dedicated team of educators at Casa San José.  During his reflection, the children spontaneously responded to each question that he asked, especially little Josué, who tried to answer all of them.  The children and the program's staff know Msgr. Solari very well since he holds Casa San José in his heart and never passes up an occasion to visit them.  The children were also happy to be able to bring up the gifts of bread and wine.  After Mass, everyone shared a delicious lunch and little Carlitos took the opportunity to sit next to the archbishop and had a lively chat with him.  We thank Msgr. Solari for his sympathy and tenderness with the boys and girls.

Also, the Christmas celebration of the children and teenagers of Casa San José included the traditional living NativityIn this annual dramatization, the children reenact the story of the family of Nazareth and celebrate the birth of the child Jesus. Joseph, Mary, her son, angels, kings, shepherds and several animals make up the beautiful scene. The play finished with songs to the child Jesus and sharing a delicious meal with families and the team at Casa San José.

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