Thursday, December 25, 2014

Surgery for a Dominican Child in Barcelona

Little José Mario Ramírez from Sabana Yegua (Dominican Republic) was born with a problem with his legs, amyoplasia congenita, which is a severe deformity resulting from restricted fetal movement in the womb.  He has never been able to walk.  He is now seven years old and in spite of the fact that he is able to move around aided by his hands and feet, his situation is still very sad.  A little more than a year ago, through a volunteer from Barcelona who visited the Dominican Republic, we contacted the Hospital Sant Joan de Déu, a wonderful teaching pediatric hospital in Barcelona, owned by the Hospital Order of the Brothers of St. John of God. Their CUIDAM program ( is dedicated to making it easier for children with serious problems, from all over the world, to be brought to the hospital in Barcelona for world class treatment.

We were fortunate and blessed that just a few months ago a doctor from that hospital traveled to the Dominican Republic to conduct an orthopedic surgery workshop and was able to evaluate José Mario, who was then designated for a future intervention.  Finally, the child and his mother traveled to Barcelona in October 2014.  He was evaluated by doctors who are presently correcting the position of his foot with casts for seven weeks.  When this process is finished, they will operate on his foot and hips.  We hope and pray that when all of his treatment finishes, he will be able to walk.  

We thank everyone who has been part of this accomplishment; our collaborators at the hospital and CUIDAM as well as all the friends and volunteers who are accompanying and helping this child and his mother during his stay in Spain. We are also thankful to all who have prayed for the success of this endeavor. One of the joys of our work is that, although we are small in number and scattered geographically, through our network of caring and generous friends and volunteers, with their relationships and resources, we are able to achieve miraculous stories like this one with José Mario.

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