Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Retreat for Members of the CSP Lead by Bishop Sklba

Twenty five members and friends of the Community of Saint Paul gathered from January 13 through 21 at the Siena Center in Racine, Wisconsin for our annual week of retreat. It was facilitated by Bishop Richard Sklba, retired auxiliary bishop of Milwaukee.  Focusing on the theme “The Prophetic Call,” he guided us through Scripture so that we could mirror our own lives, both as individuals and as a community, in the lives of the biblical prophets.  We were invited to ask ourselves the questions that the prophets asked themselves: Who am I/are we in this day and age?; Where do I/we find God today?; What are the signs of the times around us?; How can I/we witness to God’s love in our present day world?

Above all, we learned that our prophetic call invites us to find God every single day, including in situations not always of our liking and when carrying out tasks not always of our choosing.
It was a privilege to enjoy the hospitality of the Racine Dominicans who run the center, to be nourished by Bishop Sklba’s wisdom, and to share for a few days as a community while some of our members experienced the cold Wisconsin winter for their first time!

The following link will take you to an article of Bishop Sklba in which he mentions the days we shared together, published shortly after our retreat in the “Catholic Herald,” Milwaukee’s Archdiocesan paper.

Thank you Bishop Sklba!

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