Thursday, October 3, 2013


“Come and See”

The invitation that Jesus makes to those who, intrigued, ask him where he lives to “come and see” (John 1:38-39), firstly indicates that the Gospel cannot be explained as if it were a theory – one has to experience it, to see it. Now this invitation has another aspect that deserves some reflection: if we invite someone to come and to see, we must have something to show. Otherwise, someone who does decide to come may arrive and find a soulless house, a joyless community, an empty wrapper with nothing inside, a Church without spirit.

We Christians cannot complain that our churches are empty without at the same time asking ourselves a self-critical question: those who from time to time decide to stop by our communities, those who in a word “come,” do they then “see” something attractive, something that touches them?

We do not have much of a right to complain about the indifference that many have towards the faith if when they venture to visit, they do not discover in us anything that speaks to their heart.  Once again: if we invite someone to come and see, we should have something to show. 

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