In 2004 priests and lay members of the Community of Saint Paul took over
the pastoral and social care of the parish La
Sagrada Familia (Holy Family) in the Dominican Republic, which is the
sister parish of the Archdiocese of Milwaukee since 1981. All the priest who
served here throughout the years have been diocesan priests of Milwaukee. 2016
is, thus, an important year, since we celebrate 35 years of partnership between
the Archdiocese and the La Sagrada
Familia. 35 years with plenty of experiences, lots of laughter and many challenges,
but above all with many lives touched. It is impossible to summarize 35 years
of human experiences as there is too much to process and too much to be left
out. So we want to offer a sip, a glimpse, a preview of what our parish life
may look like today. And besides, a general explanation takes for granted and
thus forgets the stories, the names and the daily experiences of the families
and people. Take some minutes to watch the video below, where instead of giving
a general view we offer you “a sip” of parish life so that through it you can
grasp what we live and breathe in La Sagrada Familia, and yet keep you hungry
for the full taste. Enjoy the sip!