The boys and girls of the Catholic School in Meki (Ethiopia) have
been having fun recently with three simple things: a toothbrush, a little
toothpaste and water. Three basic things that are nonetheless unattainable for
the majority of children in Meki. After two classes on the theory of dental
hygiene and the brushing of teeth, we gave toothbrushes to the students so that
they could put into practice what they had learned.

It was a very hot afternoon, but in spite of that, the children
went out to the courtyard running toward the fountain to use their brushes for
the first time. With great joy, they removed the covers from the new brushes,
approached us so that we could put toothpaste on the brushes and began, with smiles
on their faces, to brush their teeth. “My teeth are bleeding a lot” told us Berekat,
a frightened fourth grader. “I don’t want to do it... the bleeding is bad!” We
calmed him by explaining to him, “It is normal to have bleeding gums if you’ve
never brushed your teeth before. Brush carefully each day and you will see how the
bleeding will soon stop. You shouldn’t worry about it; continue to brush daily
in order to have strong and healthy teeth!”
Teaching fundamental knowledge and skills regarding hygiene is
basic to changing bad practices and beliefs among the children. This health program,
with medical attention and health education provided to the students takes
place in our three schools in the Meki area, in Southern Ethiopia. We are
convinced that investing in education and health is essential in
the fight against poverty.